We remind you that the company is obliged to notify and process the cancellation of employees’ social security registrations within three days following the day on the employee ceases to work in the company.
The communication of a worker’s cancellation of social security can only be processed electronically through the RED System.
Therefore, we remind you that you should inform your labor advisor by email, as soon as possible, of the effective date of the employee’s leaving the company, so that the cancellation can be processed within the established term.
If a worker’s cancellation is filed with the social security after the deadline (from the fourth day of the effective date of the dismiss), it could happen that the company is obliged to pay social security contributions for the worker until the same day in which he/she communicates the discharge to the social security (even if he/she is no longer working in the company on those days). Hence, the importance of informing us as soon as possible of the date on which a worker leaves the company.
The General Social Treasury is informing the Labor Inspection of the discharges communicated by the companies out of term and this can sanction the company, being considered as a minor offense by art. 21.3 of the Law on Infractions and Sanctions in the Social Order (RDL 5/2000), with the imposition of a fine to the company that can go from 70 € to 750 € for each discharge communicated out of term.
For more information, please contact Labor consulting
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