Because of the increase in the amount of the minimum interprofessional wage (SMI) to 15,876€ per year, Royal Decree 142/2024, …
April 1 is the deadline for filing the declarations, models 720 and 721, in which information is provided on assets and rights held abroad, as well as cryptocurrencies also located abroad.
April 1 is the deadline for filing the declarations, models 720 and 721, in which information is provided on assets and rights held abroad, as well as cryptocurrencies also located abroad.
Royal Decree 145/2024, of February 6, which sets the minimum interprofessional wage (SMI) for 2024, has been published in the …
The seizure of bank accounts is something common, when there is a debt that is not paid, and the creditor …
The employee must complete, when he/she starts working and if his/her personal or family situation changes, form 145, his/her personal …
If your company’s turnover in 2023 did not exceed six million euros and your fiscal year coincides with the calendar …
All companies that apply the collective bargaining agreement for construction work in Barcelona must make monthly contributions to an occupational …
The Supreme Court explains that the special COVID regulations are not intended to generate a different and more extensive right …
An issue to keep in mind, which is often unknown, is the right of the shareholders to request the presence …
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